The Future of broadcasting is HLS streaming
As a student of broadcast history, I can honestly say technological change is inevitable. This latest change is the next standard for broadcast for many reasons.
1. Superior design and flexibility
2. Economical to operate
3. Superior coverage compared to Terrestrial broadcast formats
4. Longevity and standards based.
Am/Fm/NTSE TV are dead formats for broadcasting.
Stop wasting your money!! Annually 3-5% of traditional radio cume audience disappears. The Audience is timing out or moving on. As of 2020 we are in our second generation of individuals who have no affiliation with Am/ FM / TV or “Old School” broadcasting they have grown up with the” personal device”. Phones are universal, everyone has a phone, “the phone” is the PC of the 21st century, all phones are internet devices primary and communication devices secondary.
What happened to radio?
The broadcast industry and the advertising industry continue to invest in dead technology to their own demise. This would be OK if the data supported the publics unwillingness to migrate to new technology. The truth is the audience has moved on. Reality is the complete destruction of the local advertising model. Let me explain. Local advertisers are under the impression that social media advertising is more effective than traditional broadcast advertising. They think it’s less expensive alternative to broadcast or print. This is a misplaced conception because nothing is free. To be effective on social media you must develop compelling content, thus you need to hire a marketing consultant who knows how to create the compelling content. After you hired the employee, paid for the impressions, you saved nothing. The truth is you’ve gone backwards. For a fraction of the investment, you could have bought a campaign on broadcast. Because the broadcast industries unwillingness to advance the technology to an evolving audience the clients choose to “Do it themselves”.. This leads to issue 2, This has nothing to do with technology just trends. Yesterday was “My Space” the day after “Facebook” then “Twitter” etc.. The revolving door of platforms.
The evolving social media landscape.
Developing traction on social platforms you first must establish a presence. Your presence is valid until “trend of the week” says “it’s not”. Then it’s off to the next platform. Not a recipe for success! It lacks stability in the marketplace. You have adopted the 60-month social trend. Social medias effectiveness to business is the closest thing to 21st century snake oil. “Come one come all here’s my latest elixir made of rat poison and vitamin C “Because every lie has a shred of truth. The truth is buying traditional advertising is more effective than social media. The issue is local broadcasters continue to utilize old technology as their audience exits to newer IP platforms making their presence equally ineffective.
The actual truth.
Societies evolve platforms evolve but business trade is always necessary. Trade is based on ideas, Ideas are transferred thru media, and media compounds ideas. Ask yourself. What does everyone use? “The phone” What platform is universal to the Phone? The internet, what platform is standards based on the internet? HLS. Where is your broadcast audience going? To the internet. As the director of operations for and I see our metrics. Our cume statistics advance on average of 10% per month. That’s audience growth. HLS is the lightest data payload on the internet, HLS offers integrated real time metadata for displaying coupon codes or advertiser logos. HLS has buffering built into the technology for low data areas. And HLS delivers superior coverage over terrestrial broadcast formats. HLS stations are the future of broadcast media.
Our Program director and I have regular conversations about broadcast options. He will ask “What if we had a traditional LA stick on Mt Wilson” my answer is always the same, “It’s not enough”. To cover the complete Southern California radio audience the only technology that can deliver perfect reception, perfect results is HLS. If I had a Class A or Class B radio station, I would use my HLS path as the Hospice for the inevitable.
Welcome to the future, stop living in the past, use the standards that govern the human experience as the basis for decisions rather than “This is how we’ve always done it” is the only 24 x 7 Motocross Rock platform on the internet is Country radio for Southern California.
If you wish to buy advertising on a growing platform, please contact Operations Manager Chuck Ide
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